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Fury Unleashed

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Fury Unleashed Comic book setting dive into comic book reality with Metal Slug inspired visuals.

Action platforming with 360� shooting jump, dash, shoot, slash and blow things up!

Procedurally generated levels you ll never know what waits for you around the corner.

Customizable character take advantage of Steam Workshop and make the hero your own.

Permadeath with character progression you ll keep the collected ink even if you die.

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Three unique comic stories to playthrough:

- Face the awakening Evil God in "Quetzalcoatl s Awakening",

- Defeat the Nazis in "Operation Crimson Dusk",

- Defend the Earth from alien invasion in "The Last Stand of Earth".

Lots of game-changing items and weapons wreak havoc on your enemies with shotguns, machine guns, rocket launchers and other firearms. Don t forget about defense too choose the best armor possible!

Fury Unleashed
Fury Unleashed
Fury Unleashed
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